Day 1
09:00 – 10:00 Tea & Registration
10:00 – 10:10
Arrival & Seating of Guests in the hall
10:10 – 10:15
National Anthem
Day 1
10:15 – 10:25
Welcome Address
Binod Kunwar, Chair, Global NRN Foundation

10:25 – 10:30
Inauguration of the Summit by Lighting of the Panas by the Chief Guest
Rt Honorable President of Nepal, Mrs. Bidhya Devi Bhandari
Day 1
10:30 – 10:40
Opening Remarks:
The Future of Green Hydrogen in Nepal – Challenges & Opportunities

Professor Bhola Thapa, Vice-chancellor, Kathmandu University
10:40 – 10:50
Keynote Address :
Green Hydrogen Nepal: Energy Transition - A Disruptor for Bilateral Trade,

Bilateral Energy Relations, and Supply Chain - Reshaping and Strengthening The Economy of Nepal
Hon. Janardan Sharma, Minister for Finance
Day 1
10:50 -11:00
Keynote Address :
Hydropower to Green Hydrogen: A Net-Zero Future with Climate, Energy
and Food Security of Nepal

Hon. Pampha Bhusal, Minister for Energy, Water Resources & Irrigation (MoEWRI)
11:00 -11:10
Inaugural address by the Chief Guest
Rt Honorable President of Nepal, Mrs. Bidhya Devi Bhandari

11:10 -11:20
Concluding Remarks:
Transition to Green Economy: Seizing the Opportunities for Sustainable

Dr. Shesh Ghale, President MIT Group Foundation
Development for Climate, Energy and Food Security in Nepal
11:20 – 11:25
Departure of Chief Guest
Rt Honorable President of Nepal, Mrs. Bidhya Devi Bhandari
11:25 – 11:40 Coffee Break & Networking
Session 1: The Urgency (session chair: Dr Madhav Karki, Climate Change Advisor to the Prime Minister)
11:40 – 12:00

Impact of Climate Change and Nepal’s Response to Climate Change
Dr Buddi Poudel, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Forest and Environment (MoFE)
12:00 – 12:15

Role of Green Hydrogen for Nepal’s Prosperity
Lasse Ringius, Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) Country Director Nepal
12:15 – 12:30

Incentives to Promote Green Hydrogen Economy
Arnaud Cauchois, Asian Development Bank (ADB) Country Director Nepal
12:30 – 12:45

Advancing Nepal’s Shift to a Green, Resilient, and Inclusive Development (GRID) Pathway
H.E Nicola Pollitt, UK Ambassador to Nepal
12:45 – 13:00

Felicitation and concluding remark by the session chair
Dr Madhav Karki, Climate Change Advisor to the Rt Hon. Prime Minister of Nepal
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch Break & Networking
Session 2: Technology (session chair: H.E. Felicity Volk, Australian Ambassador to Nepal)

14:00 – 14:15

Green Hydrogen Technologies [AEM Electrolyzer] – SungreenH2 (online)
Tulika Raj, Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer, SungreenH2
14:15 – 14:30

Green Hydrogen Technologies [Green Ammonia] - Haldor Topsoe (online)
Filippo Pellacani, Dr.-Ing., Business Development Manager, Haldor Topsoe
Lucas Bossard, Director of Energy Transition Financing, Haldor Topsoe
14:30 – 14:45

Green Hydrogen Technologies [Alkaline Electrolyser] – NEL Hydrogen (online)
Marcoen Stoop, Business Development Director, Nel Hydrogen
14:45 – 15:15
Green Hydrogen Technology Global Scenario

Devesh Singh, Operations Officer, IFC
15:15 – 15:45
Green Hydrogen in Nepal

Dr Biraj Singh Thapa, Associate Professor, KU
15:45 – 17:15
Panel Discussion (Green Hydrogen Technology: Opportunities in Nepal)
Best technological options
Applications of Green Hydrogen in Nepal
Panelists: Devesh Singh (IFC), Tulika Raj (SungreenH2), Dr Biraj Singh Thapa (Kathmandu University), Filippo Pellacani (Haldor Topsoe), Marcoen Stoop (Nel Hydrogen)
Moderator: Er Sandeep Shah, energy expert
17:15 – 17:30
Felicitation and concluding remark by the session chair
H.E. Felicity Volk, Australian Ambassador to Nepal

17:30 Onward Cocktail Dinner & Networking
Day 2
08:00 - 09:00 Registration
Session 3: Finance and Investment (session chair: H.E Dr. Thomas Prinz, Ambassador of
the Federal Republic of Germany to Nepal)

Day 2
09:00 – 09:20

Linking Green Hydrogen to GRID: An approach in Nepal
Fanny Missfeldt-Ringius, Lead Energy Specialist, World Bank
09:20 - 09:40

Green Hydrogen Economy: Quantifying the Opportunity of Green Hydrogen in Nepal
Raman Jee Jha, Director, PWC India
09:40 – 10:00

Green Hydrogen to Urea as an Investment Opportunity in Nepal
Sagar Goutam, Senior Divisional Engineer, Investment Board Nepal (IBN)
10:00 – 11:00
Panel Discussion: Creating Business and Investment Opportunities for Green Hydrogen
Achieving Cost Competitiveness for Green Hydrogen in Nepal
Enabling Infrastructure for Hydrogen Production and Export at Scale
Key Considerations to Make Green Hydrogen Commercially Viable in Nepal
Facilitating Nepal’s Race to Become a Hydrogen Exporter by 2035
Panelists: Raman Jee Jha (Director, PWC India), Ram Chandra Khanal (CEO, Kumari Bank), Ram Krishna Khatiwada (CEO, Nepal Infrastructure Bank Ltd), Babacar Sedikh Faye (Country Director, IFC), Sujit Acharya (Chairperson, Energy Development Council)
Moderator: Dr Bishwas Gauchan, Executive Director, Institute for Integrated Development Studies (IIDS)

11:00 – 11:15
Felicitation and concluding remark by the session chair
H.E Dr. Thomas Prinz, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Nepal

Day 2
11:15 – 11:30 Coffee Break & Networking
Session 4: Policy (session chair: Kewal Prasad Bhandari, Secretary, National Planning

11:30 – 11:50
International Policy Best Practice to Promote Green Hydrogen Economy

Rolf Behrndt, Senior Hydrogen Advisor, GIZ (online)
11:50 – 12:10
International Policy best case - Dr Samuel Bartlett, Director - Green Hydrogen
Standards, Green Hydrogen Organisation

12:10 – 13:10
Panel discussion: Building a Roadmap Together Developing Environmentally Sustainable Green Hydrogen Economy to Ensure Energy, Food & Health Security
How would it be aligned to our Paris Agreement commitments?
How to make it financially viable?
Way forward
Panelists: Babu Ram Subedi (Joint Secretary, MoF), Madhu Bhetuwal (Joint Secretary, MoEWRI), Dr Rajendra Prasad Mishra (Joint Secretary, MoALD), Amitabh Saha (Executive Director, Deloitte), Jamuna Gurung (MIT Group Holdings)
Moderator: Pushkar Manandhar, Senior Project Officer, ADB
13:10 – 13:30
Felicitation and concluding remark by the session chair

Kewal Prasad Bhandari, Secretary, National Planning Commission
13:30 – 14:30 Lunch Break & Networking
Closing session
14:30 – 14:50
The Role of Hydropower to Green Hydrogen Economy in Nepal: A Nepal Electricity
Authority (NEA) Perspective
Kulman Ghising, MD, National Electricity Authority (NEA)

14:50 – 15:10
Government support for Investment in Green Hydrogen

Amrit Lamsal, Joint Secretary, Investment Board Nepal (IBN)
15:10 – 15:20
Remarks -
Sushil Tiwari, Secretary, MoEWRI

15:20 – 15:30
Closing Remarks -
Hon. Pampha Bhusal, Minister, MoEWRI

15:30 – 15:40
Vote of thanks:
Kushal Gurung, CEO, WindPower Nepal

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